Advanced eSignature Features - Kinective eSign Plus
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Document workflow just got easier (and more efficient).

Enhance compliance, boost productivity, and drive organizational efficiency with business-driven digital transactions.

Connect your front and back-office signature processes

Kinective SignPlus™ (formerly IMM eSign Plus) offers the same functionalities of Kinective Sign™, plus a business rules-based workflow engine. It allows your team to customize and enforce critical operational processes and tasks to remain in compliance with your institution’s established policies and procedures. Enhance compliance, boost productivity, and drive organizational efficiency with our enterprise eSignature platform.

Features & Benefits

True digital transformation happens when client-facing journeys and internal processes go hand-in-hand. SignPlus manages transactions across operational tasks with ease—from seamless signature to secure archival.

Enforced Procedures

Configure each task and their associated tasks, ensuring all activities occur within the scope of your standard operating procedures.

Automated Routing

Tasks are moved to the correct team member or department at the appropriate time, determined by your standard operating procedures.

Eliminate Errors

Say goodbye to human error by creating digital rules so tasks can be completed in the right order.

Task Alert and Email Notifications

Team members and departments can receive email notifications and alerts as the tasks move through the pipeline - improving visibility and project speed.

Automated Archival

Control when and where the archive-ready files and data from completed sessions are moved.

Enhanced Audit Trail

Our software creates an operational audit trail that captures all actions taken during the process.


Processes built exclusively for banking

No other eSignature solution provides a more seamless and fluid user experience for employees as they facilitate and manage eSignature transactions. With a smooth as silk movement of documents from your business systems into a fully prepared eSign transaction, SignPlus makes it simple and easy – as it should be!

"T Bank chose Kinective for several reasons. One, they only cater to the financial services market, so they understand us really well. Another positive was Kinective offered asset-based pricing, rather than per envelope-based pricing. You’re not being nickel and dimed by all these different individual envelopes.”

Thad Hutcheson
EVP and CIO | T Bank

“Kinective’s business philosophies and customer support priorities align perfectly with ours. The company’s proven success and specialized approach to eSignature solutions specifically for the financial industry are what made us confident it was the right choice for our eSignature solution."

Pam Kelly
President | FIPCO

“Kinective’s technologies have not only improved workflow for member services, but they have also streamlined our business processes across the back-office. From our perspective the Web Forms that our member’s complete and sign remotely are identical to forms coming from in-person branches."

Austin Flynn
AVP Core Processing | First Community Credit Union

Choosing the right solution for you

In-Person & Remote Signing Options
In-Person & Remote Signing Options
Strong Legal Enforceability (ESIGN)
Strong Legal Enforceability (ESIGN)
Superior Archival Interface
Superior Archival Interface
Cloud-hosted Solution
Cloud-hosted Solution
Rules-based Transaction Management
Rules-based Transaction Management
Pre & Post Signing Management
Pre & Post Signing Management
Enhanced Auditing & Reporting Services
Enhanced Auditing & Reporting Services

Kinective Sign™

A better way to sign.
In-Person & Remote Signing Options
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Strong Legal Enforceability (ESIGN)
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Superior Archival Interface
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Cloud-hosted Solution
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Rules-based Transaction Management
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Pre & Post Signing Management
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Enhanced Auditing & Reporting Services
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Kinective SignPlus™

The most comprehensive eSignature experience in banking.
In-Person & Remote Signing Options
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Strong Legal Enforceability (ESIGN)
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Superior Archival Interface
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Cloud-hosted Solution
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Rules-based Transaction Management
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Pre & Post Signing Management
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Enhanced Auditing & Reporting Services
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Over 2,500 banks, credit unions, and fintechs trust us.


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