Birmingham, Ala., Sept. 1, 2020 – NXTsoft, the market leader in API connectivity, and BankPoint (, a provider of enterprise bank management solutions, today announced that BankPoint would be joining NXTsoft’s API powered OmniConnect Marketplace.

BankPoint is a new breed of system that changes the way banks work and provides immediate benefits for all departments. Its enterprise bank management solution provides financial institutions with greater efficiency, transparency,consistency, repeatability, accuracy and accountability. The company is well-versed in the importance of API connectivity and realizes the benefits of a partnership with NXTsoft who has API access to 95% of the core processing systems 
currently available.

“The BankPoint platform helps financial institutions consolidate, view and manage data across multiple disparate systems, so NXTSoft’s OmniConnect MarketPlace solution is an ideal integration platform for us to leverage, said Tom Heruska, founder and CEO of BankPoint. “By providing existing connections to dozens of platforms, we feel OmniConnect can be a great value proposition for our customers that are adopting BankPoint as an enterprise bank management solution, and we’re excited about the partnership,” said Heruska.

NXTsoft has provided connectivity to banks and credit unions for more than 25 years and has existing connection to 39 of the 41 current core banking platforms.

“As BankPoint is extremely well-versed in a number of Fintech platforms, we are pleased that they recognized the benefit of NXTsoft’s OmniConnect Marketplace to further their ability to provide bankers with the solutions they need without a connectivity hassle,” said David Brasfield, CEO of NXTsoft.

About NXTsoft

NXTsoft is headquartered in Birmingham, Ala., NXTsoft is the market leader in API connectivity, connecting Fintech companies to banks and credit unions throughout the United States. NXTsoft’s other solutions include data security, data analytics, data management and data migration. For more information visit, email or call 1-800-915-3381.

About BankPoint

BankPoint is an intuitive banking platform that supercharges a bank’s core system and provides dramatic improvements in efficiency for their internal staff. BankPoint overlays the core and aggregates data from other systems, then adds workflow and other vertical solutions like pipeline management, portfolio management, credit administration, covenant tracking, and loan review. The system gives bankers a “single pane of glass” that puts everything at their fingertips — loans, deposits, customers, documents, and more. The immediate benefit is increased productivity, reduced errors, and improved efficiency across every department. BankPoint is based in McKinney, TX and has clients nationwide.