The Secret to Attracting & Retaining Top Talent in Banking

by | Apr 28, 2022

You can grow your branch dream team by signing on the best framework, technology, and talent for your organization!

There’s no doubt about it: the face of retail banking is changing rapidly. Clients today want digital solutions for basic transactions like deposits, transfers, and bill payments. At the same time, when they visit their bank or credit union branches, they want more consultative experiences versus transactive. Employees are selective, too. Great Resignation or not, today’s employees want more pay and benefits, a better work-life balance, and opportunities that allow them to perform at their best.

Take a moment, then, to consider where your financial institution is at in terms of services and availability. Are you providing clients and employees the experiences they’re hoping for in a retail branch environment? Would you like to optimize your workforce and become more efficient? Are you sitting with a lot of unused space?

At CFM, we focus on transforming the branch experience; it’s what we do best. In fact, it’s our mission to employ the latest banking technologies and help you find staffing and management solutions that work. Read on to discover our strategies for building a strong industry foundation and maintaining an employee roster that runs all the bases! 

Play Ball! Commit to a Universal Associate (UA) Model

As you assess how your branches are operating in response to the needs of today’s clients, it’s easy to see why a UA Model is on the upward swing. This operating model is a shift from transactional to advisory, and when implemented well, it can provide operational flexibility, lower your FTE costs, increase team efficiency, and give your staff more opportunities for career advancement. 

“If you build it, he will come.” –Field of Dreams


Also called Universal Bankers, Universal Tellers, and Member Service Representatives, UAs play essential roles in branch office operations. They are the ambassadors of your brand and the core members of your team. Beyond assisting customers with usual transactions, UAs can cross-sell products, run branch marketing campaigns, process loans, and more! They can also quickly bridge clients to loan officers, business advisors, and other specialists when provided the technology to make connections.

 Some important stats:

  • Today’s banking clients want a “personalized mix of financial advice, hands-on help with problem resolution and guidance on how to grow their money” and support during “challenging economic times.”
  •  A universal banking model with an optimal technology mix can save over $90,000 per branch annually.


Batter Up! Modernize Your Financial Tools and Infrastructure

You’ve committed to changing or modifying your operating platform? Great! The UA Model takes your staff away from those rigid teller lines and puts them out onto an open-concept floor plan where they’ll be able to interact more personally with clients and provide superior customer service. They’ll also get the opportunity to work with the latest equipment and technology—a benefit said to increase job satisfaction and give workers the skills they want.

 “You can’t steal second base and keep your foot on first.” –Frederick B. Wilcox


So what are you waiting for? There’s no time like the present to redesign your workstations and add new equipment to your branch locations. Contact CFM to help you assess what you need to make a smooth transition to the UA Model; we can talk about technology options and help you modernize your physical spaces within your budget and your timeframes.

Here’s a sample lineup of what CFM can help you bring to the field:



RTA (Remote Transaction Assist)

Runs cash transactions from anywhere in the branch.

Nomadix core-integrated tablet

Processes transactions on mobile devices from anywhere in the branch.

S4+NORM software

Integrates cash-handling hardware directly to your banking cores.


Grand Slam! Offer All-Star Training and Career Opportunities

Yesterday’s bank and credit union employees had fewer options. If you started as a teller, your chances of learning new skills were somewhat limited. If you wanted higher wages, you’d have to get more education and battle for a management role. There was little upward mobility.

By implementing the UA Model, you give employees the chance to build their sales and marketing skills, work with new software and devices, and earn higher incomes than traditional tellers. In addition, a UA role can lead into a more senior position such as an Assistant Manager, Branch Manager, or Marketing Director. 

“In playing ball, and in life, a person occasionally gets the opportunity to do something great. When that time comes, only two things matter: being prepared to seize the moment and having the courage to take your best swing.” – Hank Aaron  

When looking for employees to fill UA roles, it’s important that candidates have basic-level skills in customer service, marketing, and sales—along with some retail experience. A candidate interested in a UA role should also be friendly, outgoing, positive, and not afraid to proactively sell products. It’s beneficial too if they’re committed to your cause and have the desire to make an impact in people’s lives.

To help you transform your branch and activate UA positions, CFM will help you get started with the Delivery Defined program, a blend of traditional and digital courses for your executive team and your frontline staff. Once your team is trained, we will provide ongoing support to make sure your strategy remains effective and your advisory-level model is successful.


Time for a Winning Season!

Now that you understand what it takes for your staff to play in the big leagues of customer service, it’s time to get started with some new personnel and product lineups.

Contact CFM for a no-obligation consultation, and we’ll get you on your way to a record year!

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