The Kinective Pulse

20/20 Vision in Cash Automation (A Webinar Recording)
If you’re on a mission to automate the way cash moves around your branch, then this webinar is for you. Access the recording now!
Who Is CFM and Why Should You Trust Us With Your Branch Technology?
We talk a lot about integration here at CFM. But what exactly do we integrate? Good question. This video will answer that!
The Science Behind Waiting in Line: Providing a Better Client Experience
Understanding the science behind waiting in line can go a long way toward helping you control how the wait in your branch is perceived and improving CX.
DBSI+CFM Offers More Choices in Cash Automation Hardware
Banking executives now have expanded options and convenience in purchasing, deploying, and servicing cash automation hardware through this software integration.
Want to Create a Better Client Experience? Integrate!
Everyone is in a hurry these days, and that trend won’t be reversing any time this century. Core integrations can dramatically increase transaction speeds.
The One Thing Every Branch Has In Common & Why It’s Not Working
Every banker knows they need some form of the UA Model, but few know how to bring out its full potential. This blog gives you the answers to do it right.
CFM Success Stories: Cash Automation Edition
Take a look at a couple of the many FIs that have successfully used CFM to transform both their staff & client experience using CFM’s core integrations.
10 Signs It’s Time To Break Up With Your Banking Equipment Provider
Are you getting the most from your banking equipment service provider? If you say yes to any of these questions, you may want to consider breaking up.
Ready. Set. Upgrade: S4 version 9.0 is Here.
Enjoy complete freedom in your choice of hardware, full functionality, real-time core integration, and modernization through Universal Associates & open-branch designs.
One Way You’re Not Using Cash Automation (But Should Be)
Are you aware there is a new, lesser-known way you can deploy cash automation to takes efficiencies and the client experience to a whole new level?
RTA Now Available to Corelation Market: Camino FCU Leads the Way in Tech Transformation
RTA is a part of CFM’s interconnected suite of technology, software, and innovation designed to elevate every touchpoint in the client journey & solve bank’s biggest needs.
Teller Cash Automation Analytics Unveiled
If you’re like most of us, saving that much money is kind of a big deal… So, what secrets could other cash automation providers be keeping from you?